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  • BrazilCo is always looking for skilled court reporters and other professionals to join our growing team. As one of the most well-known litigation support companies in Texas and Louisiana, we set our sights on detail-driven individuals focused on providing the best, most accurate service to the clients with whom we work. Because we focus on hiring the right people that we can train to be great, we encourage applicants with even limited to extensive experience in the industry to contact us.

    If you’re interested in being part of our high-performing team and collaborating with clients, consider applying today.


    As an equal opportunity employer, BrazilCo is dedicated to the professional growth and work/life balance of our team members. Candidates interested in a challenging and rewarding position should send their cover letter and resume to [email protected], or click on the button below to fill out our form and upload their resume.

    Our team is constantly growing. Please check back often for new postings.

    There are currently no open positions available at this time; however, we're always looking for qualified candidates to apply.

    Apply Now